Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's Fall Again!

I can't wait to start putting up all of my fall stuff. Since we aren't staying in our rent house forever, I haven't unpacked a lot of decorations. So...maybe my fall stuff will make the house feel a little more homey. If you don't remember from last year, I have a bit of an obsession with pumpkins. Although things are going to look a bit different this fall, I can't wait! Here's a few pictures from last year just to put you in the fall decorating mood. Check back soon for pictures of the rent house all decked out for fall...

Last year (this is kind of like a blog re-run, so don't expect anything super cool):

these were a beating to make. but they look cute. if you want to take the beating for the cuteness, you can see how here.

remember these? to make some yourself this year, go here. they weren't a beating.

because decorating should always include food


The Lewis Family said...

I just told my girls today that I couldn't wait to decorate for fall... I was so excited, that I decided to do it tomorrow. Then I remembered we are moving. So, October it will be. Can't wait to see your new house all decorated!:)

Nelle said...

I have been praying for your Dad's leg and coming to check to see how you are doing. Just put out my Fall stuff too. I LOVE FALL.