Goodbye least until this mound of decorations collapses at 1:00 in the morning. I finally finished putting up my decorations. I am a "get it done while I still have time to enjoy my break" kind of girl. Besides...Christmas is never really over. As my slightly creepy stuffed Polar Express Santa says..."The magic of Christmas lies in your heart."
P.S. Have you tried really hard to start using those reusable shopping bags? Has Christmas shopping ruined those efforts? I thought so. Just save those bags and use them to store and protect your Christmas decorations. Opry calls it multi-tasking. Movie quote anyone????
P.P.S. Saw this guy day after Christmas shopping. I would buy a smart car just to look this cute.
Sweet Home Alabama! C'mon, Amanda, you gotta make it a little tougher than that:) And, I don't think Target got the memo about your red and green boxes-- gray will have to suffice for now.
Hey, I bought that creepy Polar Express for you!! And I was trying to figure out how you could decorate the car for other holidays. I could totally see it being Mickey Mouse also.
I do the same thing with our extra plastic bags!
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