Saturday, July 19, 2008

Oh no!

We have made a horrible mistake. We are PAYING someone to build a new house for us when it became very apparent today that we could have just built it ourselves. Okay...maybe not. But if we had all of these guys helping us we just might have been able to pull it off. Today our Synergy class and the Foundations class from the Young Marrieds department at Prestonwood helped Habitat for Humanity with a house in Dallas. Our mission: put the siding on a house. It was pretty dang hot out there, but I think everyone did a great job! I can't say that I contributed all that much, but I did help feed people. And food matters. A lot.

This is everyone learning how to put on siding...we weren't exactly experts before we got there!

Mike using some really cool saw that I should know the name of...I'll bet Brooke would!

I love this picture...I think Synergy Siding Company has a nice ring to it.


The Lewis Family said...

So, basically what you're saying is that you are willing to build our next home?! That would be fantastic.

Rhonda said...

I'm in line after that...or you could just help fix this one. Like that TV show. But I really need a new house. This one's dirty!!