Did your teachers and parents ever teach you not to admit when you are home alone? Well, mine did. So every time I wanted to post about what was going on in my life last week, McGruff the Crime Dog popped into my head to remind me about stranger danger. I am not sure that anyone outside of my family and friends actually reads my blog, but McGruff is a powerful force.
Anyways, with that being said last week was busy! Mike was out of town (relax, McGruff, he's back), and I was busy packing and getting ready for the big move. Mike wasn't just out of town, he was out of the country. He went to Guatemala on a medical mission trip with people from Prestonwood and ServingHIM. Yes, while I was up to my eyeballs in bubble wrap and packing paper Mike was watching a Guatemalan gallbladder surgery. He saw some hernia surgeries, too, but that's a story for another day. So, while I was packing boxes I couldn't be too bitter. Saving souls is always a pretty powerful excuse.
An interesting factoid for you: last Wednesday was our third anniversary. Yes, Mike was out of town, but since he's been out of town on all of our anniversaries this wasn't a huge deal. And no, it doesn't bother me. At this point, it's just plain funny. My friend Jessica and I went out for my anniversary, and we had a blast with her son Caleb. You can read about it on her blog, but I am running out of steam here! Anyways, my very sweet husband sent me these beautiful flowers...way to think ahead Mike!
I have a lot more to write about the big move, but my food just got here so you people are going to have to wait. Food wins.