Saturday, May 17, 2014


 The night we got back from Texas Max made himself comfortable in our bed.

 There are so many things going on in this picture. Including the spilled drink on the floor.

 Gearing up for VBS!

 Pretty girls ready for church (Emmie left, Addie right)

 Max is a big fan of dressing himself these days. And he fancies his church shoes.

 Addie has learned how to throw a good tantrum. 
Don't worry, no babies were harmed to take this picture.

 Emmie saying hello

 E left, A right

 Every time we get in the car now Ben jumps in the front seat.

 Hanging out with some friends having lunch

 The girls were there too...

 Emmie girl got into some candy.

 I caught Addie standing up!

 E left, A right

 E left, A right

 Riding in our train for the first time. Emmie was a fan.

 Happy Birthday Sweet Ben!

 Mother's Day with my kiddos

 Hanging out with Batman at the zoo

 With Mimi at the zoo

We weren't the biggest family to walk through the gates and visit the zoo that day...


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