Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's On...the Market

I really do have great aspirations to become a more regular blogger very soon. I have been very busy this week, though, mostly because a sign much like this one went up in our yard a few hours ago!

I am always a little particular about the way things are arranged in my house, but now I feel like people will be stopping by every day (hopefully) and judging the food I have in my pantry and the way I hang my towels. It's a little stressful. Plus, I watch way too much Designed to Sell on HGTV, so I keep walking around thinking about knocking out a walls or adding water features to entice buyers. I probably won't reach for the sledgehammer. But I think a water feature may look nice in the living room.


Nelle said...

Until the market went so bad, I was a real estate agent. I had to show homes on occassion that had dirty clothes and dishes lying around. Most people want to imagine their touch on your home so keeping things neutral and clean is the way to go. Will be praying that you have a buyer quckly and get a good price.

Lauren Kate said...

I have been there sister with selling my parent's finally sold and I'm glad to be done with it:-) Tim and I even buried a St. statue in the yard that's supposed to help you sell the house...please don't judge us!