"...give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:28
As I thought about blogging a wrap up of the past year, I realized just how much I have rolling around in my head that I have never shared. So, I am not going to show you pictures of my year or talk about my top moments. I am going to tell you what's on my heart. (Don't worry, I'm sure pictures will show up sometime later.)
I'm not going to lie to you. 2009 was not the best year ever. Now, some wonderful and amazing things happened. The Lord led our hearts to adoption, we were chosen to be the parents to a baby boy due in April, we followed God's call to Mississippi. I am so incredibly thankful for these things. The beginning of the year though? That was rough. Months of infertility became years, my dad was diagnosed with cancer, my grandmother passed away. But you know what?
I have never been more thankful for a year than I have been for 2009.I am thankful for the trials. I am thankful for the heartache. Why? Because they are daily turning my heart to our Savior. They are daily bringing me closer to His will for my life.
Now, am I saying that I don't ever get upset or sad? Nope. Not even a little bit. I am the first to admit that many days I am what I like to call "reluctantly thankful." But I know in my heart that God is doing a work all around me. And I know that His word says we are to be thankful in all things, not in spite of the hard things.
Throughout the year, whether it be in a Bible Study or in a sermon, I have repeatedly been reminded to be thankful. All of these reminders have affirmed what God has been doing in my heart.
It got me thinking, "Where would I be right now if my life was going exactly how I wanted it to?" Well, I'd probably be in the other room playing with a 15 month old. And I'd probably live on a nice quiet street surrounded by all my perfectly healthy family and friends, because in a perfect world you wouldn't ever have to leave those you love behind. But would I ever have surrendered the plan for my life to God? Would I have ever realized that He has the perfect plan for me?
Would I have ever been available for God to do a miracle in my life?
Because that's what I feel like right now. As we head into 2010, a lot of things have changed in my life. And I feel like I just can't even imagine what God has in store. Are all of these things going to be perfect and wonderful? No. Some of them are going to be hard. Really hard. Some of them are going to be wonderful and amazing. But I will be thankful in ALL things. And I will follow His will. No matter what.