Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Max's First Halloween

Max's first Halloween was fairly uneventful, and yet crazy at the same time! Actually, that pretty much sums up life these days!

Halloween night we headed up to church for Trunk or Treat. For reasons we won't get into (you're welcome Gap and FedEx), Max didn't have his costume in time for Halloween. But...since our Texas Rangers were in the World Series, we knew just what to wear!

Let's Go Rangers!

It's like he knew how it would all end...sigh

Fancy. Thanks, Kim. I owe you for this one.

Max's costume arrived the next morning (whoo hoo!), and I finally took some pictures of him in it today. That's why he looks so much bigger already! But cute would this have been? Oh well... I think he's pretty cute all the time!

Be still my heart. I do love cute wildlife!



Rhonda said...

Oh my goodness, he's the cutest thing ever!!! His eyes get me every time. I have a feeling those eyes are going to get him out of a lot of trouble in the future.

Lauren Kate said...