Yesterday we had an appointment, and although we didn't get to have a sonogram, they did pick up the heartbeat on the doppler. I promptly began giggling silently, which made the doppler sound like little explosions were going off inside my stomach. Oh well.
So...I'm still a few weeks away from being out of my first trimester, but the doctor said that hearing the heartbeat on the doppler was a great sign. It definitely made us feel better!
We found out about McDeux back at the end of January. I hate writing about this kind of stuff, but ever since we started trying, I got used to keeping a calendar and tracking dates that "things were supposed to happen." When those things didn't start happening, I kind of ignored it at first. I mean, seriously. Less than a 1 percent chance, people. I mentioned it to Mike, who's response was, yeah right. Your body is just messed up.
I agreed that he was probably right, and went on preparing for the three girls that were going to be staying at our house for the next two weeks. But...something just didn't feel "normal." I was waking up at night with horrible stomach cramps. One night of that? Normal. Five? Not so much.
Friday night the girls got here, and Saturday while everyone was at church I decided just to pick up a test at WalMart. I felt kind of silly doing it, so I just got the cheapest test possible, telling myself that I wasn't really wasting money. You have to understand that I have taken an obscene number of these test in the past, and that each and every time...nothing.
So...I raced home, took the test, and OH MY GOODNESS! It turned pink! Like, immediately. After holding it up in the light for awhile just to make sure I wasn't making it up, I immediately began shaking and thinking...must tell Mike....must tell Mike. I raced up to the church, where I couldn't find him. I think I ran through the entire church four times trying not to make eye contact with people. It turned out Mike was in a meeting, so I did what any girl would do. I went in the bathroom, reached in my purse, and took another test. What else was there to do?
Finally, I found Mike, made some weird pointing gestures to his office, got him in there, and pulled out the test. At this point, I think he got a little pale and sunk into a chair. You have to understand that while we were SUPER excited, we were also SUPER nervous. At that point, we had already known Will was going to be our son for 4 months, so one of the first thoughts through our minds was, what if they tell us we can't have him? He's our son!
For the next week, we were basically just on pins and needles. One of the first things we did after we went to the doctor was call the agency and then call Miss C. They were all so excited, and we were SO relieved! That was the day we could finally relax and start planning life as a family of four.
That was also the day I realized I was going to need to start clipping coupons.
I feel your coupon pain.
I'm the coupon queen. If you need any tips just hollar! :)
What a great post, I was excited reading it! If you get the whole coupon thing figured out, let me know, I have yet to master that one!
You are the only other pregnant woman that I have heard say that one of your first signs was stomach cramps at night. That was my first sign, but I didn't think anything of it either. It went on for about a week before I thought something was up. Strange...
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