In every way, this is reflective of the way I want to raise my son. I want to teach him that his race is a part of who he is, but it is not who he is. I want him to find his identity in Christ, in our family, his friends, and in the things he loves to do.
Now, don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that I think race is unimportant, or that I will choose to pretend it doesn't exist. I have already spent many hours in my head trying to figure out how to balance teaching Will to be proud of his history and heritage as an African American with the idea that his race isn't an ultimate definer of who he is. Not sure that definer is a word...but I like it. But...since he's not even here yet I figuring we have plenty of time to figure that one out.
So, for now, we are doing our best to prepare for Will's arrival. Mostly, that means washing his clothes and putting together the crib. But we are also praying and preparing to become a transracial family. Do I know exactly what this means and everything that is ahead of us? No. But I know what is. Great love.
Thanks for sharing and being vulnerable! Our best family friends adopted an African American child too (they are white) and it's amazing to see how God had all of that planned out even before he was born and God knew that our friends were meant to be his earthly family. You and Mike will be incredible parents and I so enjoy hearing about everything from this blog!
I bought a piece of artwork off of etsy that says "Love makes a family" and it's all different animals to represent different races. I love it!
I love it! You guys are going to be such awesome parents to that little boy! I love your openness and everything that surrounds the whole thing! We are praying for you guys and all of the things that are coming into your life!
I don't know if you remember me, I am Lyndsey-Libby's older sister. I love following your blog. After reading this entry, I wanted to share a link with you. This is the blog of a friend of mine-my old bosses son and his wife recently adopted an African American little girl. Theirs started as foster parenting and then they were blessed to adopt her. I love her blog and you may contact her if you had questions or something. He is the Education Minister at Memorial Road Church of Christ in OKC. I am praying for your new arrival and I think what ya'll are doing is amazing. Best of luck! Here is the link...
I think that all any parent can really do is to love their chilren and to bring them up to know God...and judging by your post, y'all are more than ready to do that. Sweet Will is one lucky boy indeed!
Apparently, I don't spellcheck my comments...sorry, children:)
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