Ben, on March 11 you turned 10 months old! You are cracking us up these days. Your personality is coming out more and more, and you have lots of it. You are a sweet sweet also don't have a problem letting us know when you are upset! Here are a few more things going on with you at 10 months...
You are a teething machine. I think by the end of the spring you may have a whole mouthful!
You are outgrowing your 9 month clothes. You have some long legs.
You are starting to scoot (army crawl) all over the house.
You play peek-a-boo with people.
You got your first haircut, and you look so much older now!
You love to eat. You also like to throw your food across the room.
You are getting more attached to your dad every day. You really like when he comes home.
You will drink out of a sippy cup.
Well, you'll drink out of long as someone else holds it for you!
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