Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cute and an Update

(See the bottom of this post for an update on my dad.)

Here are a few pictures of the Maxster. He's a hot mess.
And I mean that in the best possible way.

And his favorite pose:

I know some of you are keeping up with and praying for my dad, so I wanted to keep you updated. He posted the note below on his Facebook today, and I know he doesn't mind me sharing. Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts, and most importantly, your prayers.

Not to sound like a broken record I want to say again how much your prayers, cards and encouraging words on my behalf has meant to me. It's incredible to know just how many people are in your corner when times are tough. Thank you again.

As many of you know I had scans on Tuesday to see where I stood as far as the clinical trial was concerned. Rhonda and I met with Dr. Barve this morning and she informed us the trial had done some good, eliminating a previous tumor on my lungs. But she also informed us that another new tumor had popped up on my lungs and by protocol I am not eligible to continue the trial.

After a lengthy visit with Dr. Barve there is nothing more doctors can do for me. Rhonda and I knew the day was coming we would hear those words and today happened to be that day. When Dr. Barve gave us the news almost immediately a sense of relief came over me knowing I was done with all chemo treatments. My body has been through a lot over the last 2 1/2 years with two major surgeries, constant blood work and the chemo. My body needs a rest from all that and the time has come. Plus it has been a mental strain on both me and Rhonda having to drive back and forth to Dallas on some occasions every day of the week.

Your prayers have helped me deal with cancer since the beginning and I'm asking again for your prayers to continue to give me strength to deal with what time I have left. God has blessed me with a good life and I know he'll continue to bless me. He has blessed me with a wonderful wife and family as well as close friends and a fantastic church congregation. It is still all in his hands. I am okay with the news received today.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Hydration is Key

I don't think he's going to be thirsty anytime soon.

I have to thank you for letting me ramble yesterday. I just felt the need to confess. I didn't want you to think I was over here working out, eating celery, saving tons of money with coupons, and sewing my own clothes and gifts. Because what I've really been doing is sitting here eating too many PopChips, spending too much at the grocery store, and looking at other people being really creative and productive on Pinterest.

I must say, confession is good for me, though. I worked out today (twice!), organized coupons, and the sewing machine is coming out tomorrow. Maybe I should do this more often. Or maybe I should just show you cute pictures of Max.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Catching Up

The McLife has been all Max, all the time lately, which I know is what most people want. But...I thought I'd take a minute to blog about some other things for a day. So...if you could care less, and just want to see pictures of Max, I'm sure he'll be back very soon. If you want to know all my business, read on.

1. On the 50 by 30 front, I sadly don't have much to report. I was down 25 pounds when we left for Texas, and then I decided to eat my way through the Metroplex. Two words: guacamole and cupcakes. So...I'm rocking a 22 pound loss these days, and I haven't seen a whole lot more movement since we've been back. Mostly because I think it's okay to run twice a week and eat dessert every night. Sigh. It's a marathon right?

I know my 50 by 30 is looking a little dismal right now, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it. And I could list all sorts of excuses, but I'm not going to do that either. I'm just going to say it's a daily thing. And I've decided that if it ends up being 30 by 30, I'll take that, too. I would much rather take it in small pieces and keep pushing than to decide it's not going to happen and give up all together. So...that's where that's at. Now you know.

2. I haven't sewed in months. I can tell you exactly when it happened. The day Max started crawling and realized he didn't have to play in the floor right next to me. And the day he realized that he can pull cords out of the wall. You can't sew if someone keeps unplugging the machine. Now, clearly, I could sew when he's asleep. I can't say I haven't had the time. You make time for what you want to make time for. I just haven't made it a priority. And I'm totally good with that. But I am working on some fun things for our upcoming birthday celebration!

3. Same goes for couponing. I'm still clipping those coupons and using them as I can, but I am not planning grocery trips around them. As I started to change my diet and the way I shop, I found that I used very few food coupons. I also found that I would get home with 15 cans of tomatoes and nothing to eat them with. I started using E-Mealz , and I love it. I am saving money, coming home from the store with actual meals, and adding a lot of variety to our diet. I do the low-fat for two plan and modify it.

I do have to say that although I'm not using as many food coupons, I still think couponing at a drugstore is the way to go. I feel like if I'm saving lots of money on toiletries and cleaning products, I don't have to worry as much about the food side of it.

So there you have it. Food. Exercise. Sewing. Coupons. Bam. I couldn't be any cooler if I tried. More Max coming right up.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Let Me Explain

1. Max usually wears clothes.
2. I watch my child.
3. I watch my child do crazy, mischievous stuff.
4. Sometimes I run and get my camera before I make him stop.

(See. Clothes. And shoes.)


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Spy

My favorite little reader.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Big Helper

In less than a month, Mike turns 30 and Max turns one. planning is in full swing around here. I am up to my eyeballs in ideas and crafts. You know, because Mike and Max are super concerned about the styling of their party. At any rate, Max is having a great time "helping" me. Ribbon is yummy.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Toddler Proofing

Before we left for Texas, it became clear that Max was outgrowing his nursery. As in, what used to look cute and decorative became a potential toddler death trap. Every time he would head toward his room, I became convinced he was about to pull the shelves down on his head. And pulling frames off of the table became a favorite activity. So, as soon as we got home I started making changes. One fun purchase and a little rearranging later, and things are much safer (and fun) in Max's world.


Became this...

And this...

Became this...

I think he likes it...


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Eleven Months

Max, you are ELEVEN months old! I say it every month, but you are at such a fun age right now. A crazy, busy, non-stop age, but it's a fun one! It's going to be a busy month, and then before I can blink you will be one. Be still my heart! Here are a few things to remember about this month:

-You have three teeth. And about eleventy-billion right around the corner.

-You are walking around the furniture and pushing toys around, but you still prefer to crawl. You are a crawling machine.

-You have taken an interest in books the past week or so. Sometimes you just chew, but you'll sit and look at pictures forever. In the car it is so cute to look back and see you with a book. You look like a little man reading in your carseat.

-You still make the funniest faces, and you have a new one. I have to tell strangers every day that you are trying to play with them...not trying to give them the stink eye. But who knows? You may be.

-You still love water. However, you spend your entire bath trying to climb out of the tub. Until you see the towel, and then we have to catch you to get you out.

-You love stairs, slides, and anything that involves moving, climbing, or mischief.

-You have learned how to open the trashcan. And you ate rocks out of the fireplace last week. We're working on those two!

-Have I mentioned you are almost ONE??


Friday, August 12, 2011


It's been a great week back at home, but I came across one last Texas picture tonight that I just had to post.

Love that smiling face!


Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Texas, Days 16-17

We have been back home in Mississippi for a few days now, which means lots of catching up on grocery shopping, laundry, and cleaning. But, I have to make sure to record our last few days in Texas, because they were a blast! As I mentioned before, Max stayed with my parents while I went to the Big Six reunion. The Big Six is what my friends and I who lived together our senior year call ourselves. Because it makes us super cool, obviously.

We started out the weekend at North Park Mall in Dallas, followed by dinner at Gloria's, a sleepover in Allen, and more hanging out the next day. It was so much fun to hang out with these girls. We are slowly spreading further apart (distance wise), so it was nice to have time to see each other face to face. And the laughing until we cried didn't hurt either. I'm trying to convince everyone to come see me next year, so we'll see how that goes. Memphis 2012!

Micah, Me, and Katie
Yes, we are in our finest TriDelta gear

Kristin and Brooke

Brooke and Me

Lindsay, Katie, and Brooke

And in the meantime...

Max was having a great time with his Mimi and Grumps,

and my elusive brother.