Monday, May 09, 2011

50 by Update

I haven't written anything about my goal of losing 50 pounds by my 30th birthday in awhile, so I thought I would. Because it's not called accountablity if you talk about it every 3 months. Last month, I hit 15 pounds lost, and for some reason I felt the need to celebrate by eating. And then eating some more. Which isn't exactly what I am going for.

I get SO frustrated with myself, because I know exactly what to do to lose weight. I know what to eat. I know how to exercise. And I tell myself I'm going to do it. And then someone puts a pie in front of me and I eat three pieces. Without even thinking about it. Special occasions turn into "I'll start over next week," even though I know next week will just have its own excuses. And repeat. So...I am still at 15 pounds. Just being honest. Here's hoping I have much better news in the coming weeks!

PS: I am reading this book (again). Here's to keeping my cravings focused where they should be. On God and not the things of this world. Amen.



  1. Amanda! Wow, I didn't know about this goal of yours! That is impressive! And, thanks for sharing the info about the book, too... Very inspiring! I can totally relate to the part about the pie...

  2. Amanda, you are doing awesome! 15 pounds is fantastic!! I have the same problem with doing good and then celebrating it by eating bad...I may start with you in re-reading that book, I really enjoyed it the first time, but perhaps I need to be reminded of some things. Good luck!!

  3. Congrats on the weight loss! I need some major motivation to get rid of this baby weight!
