My friends here in Mississippi and I have been wanting to learn how to sew for what seems like forever. Last month, we finally started! We are meeting up at church to sew on Fridays, and although I've only been twice so far (babies do that to you I guess) I have managed to make some fun stuff. I am in desperate need of lots and lots of practice doing fairly simple things like, say, sewing a straight line, but I'll get there. Hopefully. Here are a few pictures of some beginner projects I have been working on. (And a big thank you to my grandmother, whose machine I have been using).
I put this applique on a towel for a baby shower last weekend. It was super easy, since the
Silhouette cuts fabric now. Whoo hoo! I have big plans for that little machine...
Just a little diaper and wipes case. I decided it could be kind of girly since it's for my purse. Sorry for the blurry phone picture. You can see the tutorial for this one
A little car cozy for a sweet boy I know. I found the idea
here, and you can follow the links to detailed instructions.
I have also made a few of
these from the same blog, but I don't have any good pictures. Hers are better anyway! This blog (
The Cottage Home) is definitely one of my favorites. She has lots of fun crafts and good recipes as well for those of you who have no interest in sewing. She's what I like to call an equal opportunity domestician. I may have made that word up.