Friday, February 04, 2011

Vacuuming is not my Favorite

I've been a little MIA lately, and I have absolutely no reason why. We've just been keeping out of the cold this week, and I've been trying to pretend that I keep my house clean. I realized yesterday that our vacuum had no filter in it, and it hasn't for about 2 months. The fact that it took me two months to realize that it wasn't working that well should speak for itself. In my defense, we have very little carpet in this house.

Anyhow, I probably have more exciting things to talk about, but right now I'm all out. So, how's about a few iphone photos? I know what ya'll really stop by here for, and it's not the stories about my vacuum.



  1. I know I have said it before, but I will say it again... he is so stinking cute. It hurts...

  2. That boy is adorable! And he is the most camera cooperative baby I've ever seen.
