Monday, October 20, 2008

Gourmet...or Not

My poor computer is broken, so until I can load me some pictures you are stuck with my randomness. And yes, I know "load me" is poor grammar for those of my family members who are currently judging me.

Have you seen these? I got some at Wal-Mart after the mom told me about them. They are SO good and SO easy for a week night. Grab the box, grab a pound of chicken, and voila. They have all sorts. I don't really know who "they" are, but I like them. Try one when you don't have time to be gourmet-fabulous.


  1. See this is perfect. Now when people link to your blog from mine, the first thing they will see is FOOD! Haha. Perfect.

  2. I tried these one night and went back and got two more. VERY good for something like this!

  3. I love Macaroni Grill...I wonder if I can find them up here?
